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What is a wastewater treatment system?

Wastewater treatment is a process which removes and eliminates contaminants from wastewater and converts this into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle. This process involves various physical, chemical and biological processes to treat wastewater to ensure its safe disposal or reuse.

What are package wastewater treatment plants?

Package wastewater treatment plants are pre-manufactured treatment facilities used to treat wastewater in small communities or on individual properties. Compared with traditional wastewater treatment facilities, package wastewater treatment plants have a more compact structure and are characterized by convenient transportation, plug-and-play, and stable operation.

What is biological wastewater treatment?

Biological wastewater treatment is designed to degrade pollutants dissolved in effluents by the action of microorganisms. The microorganisms utilize these substances to live and reproduce. These microorganisms consume the pollutants matter present in the wastewater, converting it into harmless by-products such as carbon dioxide, water and biomass. This method is commonly used in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants to remove contaminants and allow water to be safely discharged into the environment.

What is reverse osmosis?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a means of pulling clean water out of polluted water or salt water by pushing water through a membrane under pressure. An example of reverse osmosis is the process by which contaminated water is filtered under pressure. This technology is widely used to improve the taste and quality of drinking water.

What are the methods of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal?

Common MSW disposal methods include landfilling, incineration, recycling and composting. MSW can be considered a complex matrix since it consists of several types of wastes, including organic matter from food waste, paper waste, packaging, plastics, bottles, metals, textiles, yard waste, and other miscellaneous items. 
Incineration, also known as waste-to-energy, involves the controlled burning of municipal solid waste. The heat generated by this process is used to generate electricity or heat. Incineration reduces the amount of waste and generates energy, making it an attractive solution for cities with limited landfill space.
Recycling and composting are sustainable waste management practices that aim to divert waste from landfills. Recycling involves collecting and processing materials such as paper, plastic, glass and metal to create new products. Composting involves breaking down organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, into nutrient-rich compost that can be used in gardening and farming. These methods reduce the consumption of natural resources and minimize environmental impact, but require effective waste sorting and collection systems.

What is an aerobic food digestion equipment?

The aerobic food digestion equipment uses microbial aerobic fermentation technology to quickly decompose and convert food waste into humus. It has the characteristics of high-temperature fermentation, environmental friendliness and low energy consumption. It is often used for food waste treatment in communities, schools, villages and towns. The equipment realizes on-site "reduction, resource utilization and harmlessness" treatment of food waste.